Managing complex systems
   End-to-end engineering
   Requirements management
   Domain-spanning system architecting
    Model-based engineering
   Virtual verification and validation
  Product life cycle analysis
Systems engineering is a consistent, interdisciplinary approach for developing multidisciplinary systems. Not only does it address the system to be developed, but also the associated project.

Current technical systems are shaped by the shift towards mechatronics. Intelligent sensors, functions, networking, function integration and user-friendliness are features that characterise the products of tomorrow. The terms intelligent technical systems and CyberPhysical Systems directly account for this. Intelligent technical systems require new development approaches; this is due to the interdisciplinarity and complexity of the products and production systems. 

Our approach

Our solution are built around multidescplinary approiach to system engineering. Startiunbg from requirement gathering to system integration into the production process. We follow model based approach in developing system models to aid engineering and reliability.